Help and Hope
National Month of Hope
April is the National Month of Hope. Hope is positive, strong, and bright. If you are struggling with your gambling, hope may seem impossible. You may be feeling depressed or anxious because of your gambling. Here at the Problem Gambling Resource Centers we want you to know that there is hope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is getting resources and treatment for your gambling.
At the New York State Problem Gambling Resource Centers, we have a community of strong advocates and those in recovery who help us spread hope. If you are worried about what the future holds, take a listen or read the inspiring stories of hope from others who have been struggling with their gambling.
Problem Gambling Podcasts & Resources
All In: The Addicted Gamblers Podcast
Brian is a gambling addict. With the help of his co-hosts Chris & Jeff, Brian recounts his gambling addiction story. Later, Brian, Jeff, and other gambling addicts discuss gambling addiction on a macro level.

Female Gambling Addiction Podcast: I talk with other problem gamblers about the struggles of dealing with this life changing addiction. It’s my hope that we can erase the stigma and shame so women will feel safe seeking the help they need without fear of judgment. ❤️ We are all worthy of the hope and healing recovery brings.

Ambitious Addicts: Beyond the Twelve Steps
The Ambitious Addicts podcast is a weekly show about addiction recovery, ambition in recovery, and real-life stories of recovery.
Fall In: The Problem Gambling Podcast for Military Service Members and Veterans
Dave Yeager is a U.S. Army Veteran and in recovery for a gambling addiction. Through Dave’s own story and the stories of Active Duty Military Members and Veterans we hope to create a safe space to listen and learn about gambling addiction in the military.
Check out Brian from All in the Addicted Gamblers Podcast, and Christina from the Broke Girl Society on YouTube as they talk about gambling addiction, treatment and recovery.
Stories of Hope – Stronger Than You Think
Read about others who took the first step towards hope and see how reaching out for support impacted them.
Finding Hope
At the New York State Problem Gambling Resource Centers – we can help you have hope. If you or a loved one is interested in finding resources for your gambling, visit Reaching out is only a phone call or click away, take that first step towards hope today, we are here to help.