
Help for Problem Gambling in NYS

March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM). One of the main goals of PGAM is to increase public awareness of gambling problems and the availability of prevention, treatment & recovery services. Problem gambling is often called a hidden addiction and sometimes overlooked, but we are here to tell you that problem gambling is real, and help is available.  

In New York State, we have the Problem Gambling Resource Centers to help you learn about what problem gambling is and get connected to resources. 

What are the Problem Gambling Resource Centers? 

The Problem Gambling Resource Centers (PGRCs) are a program of the New York Council on Problem Gambling. The PGRC’s work within their communities to help raise awar

eness about problem gambling and get community members connected to care. Our Team Leaders do this by giving presentations, connecting with partners, and talking to local media. They work to get the word out there about what problem gambling is.  

Our program managers work to get people connected to care. They work with local clinicians to make sure they are trained in problem gambling treatment, so that if you call you are connected to a provider who will work best with you. They work tirelessly every day to answer the phones and make sure that you get directed to the best resources for you.  

How can a Problem Gambling Resource Center Help Me? 

Our Problem Gambling Resources are here to help you. Their main goal is to get you what you need. Whether it is for yourself or a family member they can assist you. It may be general information, a support group or a one-on-one session with a therapist in your area. Whatever your goals are we can help you meet them.  

Where are the Problem Gambling Resource Centers?  

There are seven problem gambling resource centers in New York State. They are regional centers, but they have connections to local resources to find you someplace that is close to you. Wherever you are in NYS, we can help! You can find more information about each resource center below:  

What are my next steps?  

This is your journey and your decision. If you or someone you love is struggling with their gambling, the most important thing to know is that help is available. It may seem like there is no where to go, but in New York State that is not the case. We are here to help you succeed. Visit to take that first step.